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Manufacturing Equipment Grant Program Application Portal

By completing the digital form below and hitting the submit button, you will be submitting an application for the Manufacturing Equipment Grant Program.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Applicant Information

Company Information

Must match RI Department of State Database

Project Information

An application must be for physical equipment/machinery used in a production process in Rhode Island for the actual manufacture or conversion of raw materials or goods; research and development; or quality assurance by an eligible applicant. The applicant can include software and technical assistance costs if those costs are included in a quote from the vendor to implement the equipment/machinery purchase. Equipment/machinery that is primarily used for administration or distribution purposes is NOT an eligible purchase.
Please Note: The maximum amount of grant funding that can be requested is 50% of a cash purchase or 50% of the downpayment of a financed purchase, up to $25,000.

Required Attachments

1 to 2 paragraph narrative describing the following:

  • How the equipment will modernize or improve manufacturing processes in your business  
  • Expected impact on the business (revenue growth, expanded capacity, new market opportunity, etc.)  
  • A plan for implementation post purchase 

Application Certification

The undersigned is an authorized representative of the Applicant with the authority to bind the company for the proposed Manufacturing Equipment Grant Program. By typing my name in the Authorized Representative Name field below I certify that:

  • All statements made in this Application in its entirety including all attachments and appendices are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • The Applicant is neither a person subject to the Rhode Island Code of Ethics nor a person within the scope of R.I.G.L. § 36-14-5(h).
  • The Applicant has not been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe a public official or employee of the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation or of the State; has not been disqualified from an awarded contract with Rhode Island Commerce Corporation or the State; and has never defaulted on work awarded by the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation or the State.
Please Note: Checking the attestation checkbox and clicking the Submit button should redirect you to a confirmation page. If you do not get redirected to a confirmation page, required information is missing. Please scroll up to look for any fields with red error messages and provide the requested information.